We support the education and professional development of youth

Romania has the highest early school leaving rate in the European Union, reaching 16.6% in 2023.

Approximately 1 in 6 young people drop out of education prematurely. In rural areas, the situation is even more dramatic: one in four children does not go to school, and 400,000 children of school age are outside the education system.

Dropping out of school is a major problem in Romania, having profound consequences on the future of these young people and on the development of society as a whole.

Through our activity, we encourage children to continue their schooling, increase their performance and thus become independent adults.

Source: Eurostat

We reduce school dropout

We improve school performance

We contribute to reducing unemployment

We focus on supporting children and young people to continue their education and prepare for entering the labor market. We offer educational programmes and activities that encourage them to develop their skills and talents, preparing them for future career opportunities.

Thus, we not only support them in their schooling, but also prepare them for professional success, directly contributing to reducing unemployment and increasing well-being in our community.